Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Once again I've managed a long hiatus of posting. So, a quick update: Baltimore was lovely, at least the part that the university is located in (and surrounding areas). It seems similar to Saginaw in that there's a "good side" (in Baltimore's case, the east side) and a "bad side" (the west -- lots of boarded up buildings and windows with bars on them). Jake and I spent a lot of the three days walking around and taking down numbers for places, which turned out to be fruitless. It also turns out that most of the people who post on Craigslist (or at least the ones located in Baltimore) fail miserably at communication, whether via email or telephone. Finally last week I found a place that's reasonably priced and in a good location with a landlord who actually knows how to respond to both email AND telephone calls. My new roommate (a fellow UB student) and I turned in our applications last week; hopefully we get good news soon.

Also, I quit my job July 9th, having decided to postpone my move date to July 17th. Well, the 17th has, of course, come and gone, but I'm still in Michigan because I had nowhere to go. Looks like the move date will be about August 1st after all. I've got some money saved up, and got my last paycheck from work just today, so I've got nothing to worry about in the meantime. Everything's packed, sorted into what's staying here and what's going with me (for the most part) and now I'm just waiting.